The Cavalier king Charles Spaniel
Has Captured Our Heart and Home
Marino's Precious Cavaliers
From Our Hearts to your Laps
Changing One Home at a Time
Marino's Video!! Mila, Murphy & Lady
"Penelope & Ulma training" Sent in by the Selleck Family
"Penelope and Ulma the dynamic odd couple" sent in by the Selleck family
"Penelope and Ulma" sent in by the Selleck family!
"Penelope Loves to Swim" sent in by the Selleck Family!
"Violet and Stanley" Sent in by the Selleck Family!!
"Ari the smart puppy" sent in by the Privett Family!
"Penelope the Agility star take 2" Sent in by the Selleck Family!
"Penelope the agility star Take one" Sent in by the Selleck Family!
"Summer the Surfer Girl" sent in by the Fimlaid Family
- Carter & the horse sent in by Claire & Adam
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